New Series, The Bard and the Kora coming Late February

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New stories from the continent of Africa….stay tuned for special guest announcements. Also, all episodes of the new series will be on this page as well! I’ve been wanting to do this project for sometime, and I’m happy to be getting around to it.

-Desmond Childs

NEW EPISODE: The Five Colored Stones & Empress Jokwa

This ancient Japanese tale begins with a whimsical question from a child to his mother: “How does the light from the Sun and the Moon come to us?”

Special Guest Narrator, James Herd of Pixcelation


*All sounds and music from

The Bard and the Biwa is does not sale it’s productions, they’re free and for the public domain.

COMING UP: ‘Empress Jokwa’ Episode to feature special guest narrator, James Herd

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The new episode of The Bard and the Biwa will feature guest narrator, James Herd. Along with his Youtube Channel, Pixcelation, Mr. Herd is looking to make his way in the world of voice acting. Here’s a link to his Youtube page–>>Pixcelation


Empress Jokwa And The Five Stones is a story that originated from China, but found its way to Japan. It tells the tale of a benevolent Ogress who ascended the throne of ancient China, and the battle that ensued as a result of a power struggle between her and a jealous sorcerer Kokai who tried to use his magic to seize the throne.